2-4 June 2021 | Ponta Delgada, Azores, Portugal

The All-Atlantic R&I for a Sustainable Ocean: Ministerial High-level & Stakeholders Conference aims at bringing to a new level the existing dialogue and cooperation undertaken under the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance. This Conference is being co-organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union Council and the European Commission.

The event will be a step forward in the work developed by the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, bringing together Ministries, high-level representatives and ocean leaders, including researchers, youth, entrepreneurs, academics, and civil society.

It will take place under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in close cooperation with the European Commission.

Contribute to identify and characterize stakeholders interested in promoting marine research and innovation at the All-Atlantic level by taking this survey

Take action towards a sustainable Atlantic Ocean by making a pledge in the pledging platform.

For more info visit the AllAtlantic2021 page at