Atlantic Interactions is an intergovernmental initiative to unleash the potential of the Atlantic Ocean for society. It fosters knowledge-driven solutions addressing national priorities and global challenges that require interdisciplinary research and innovation of complex Earth systems through international cooperation. This intergovernmental policy development initiative is being implemented through the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre).
The process of international scientific diplomacy in the context of Atlantic Interactions started in 2016, with the 1st Atlantic Interactions International Workshop in New York City, United States. This workshop was followed by five High-Level Industry-Science-Government-Dialogues and other scientific and policy workshops.
During these events, the lines of action for the scientific agenda were recommended, along with cross-cutting initiatives. Furthermore, as a conclusion of the 2nd High-Level Dialogue on Atlantic Interactions, Florianopolis, Brazil, November 2017, the formal establishment of the AIR Centre was achieved. It was acknowledged that the AIR Centre would become a multilateral networked organization, in association with national and international scientific and research infrastructures. The AIR Centre is therefore one of the policy implementation initiatives of the policy recommendations formulated by Atlantic Interactions.