Atlantic Smart Cables: Challenges and Opportunities of the CAM Ring

As a step forward to Research & Innovation cooperation and leveraging on the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance efforts, the EU Portuguese Presidency of the European Council is organizing, in close cooperation with the European Commission, the All-Atlantic R&I for a Sustainable Ocean: Ministerial High Level & Stakeholders Conference, which will take place in Ponta Delgada, Azores, June 2-4, 2021. This three-day event intends to contribute to not only leveraging the All-Atlantic R&I Cooperation and but also to showcase ideas, projects and initiatives that may strengthen the Galway and Belem Statements and add value to the European Green Deal, to the future Horizon Europe Mission on Ocean, Seas and Waters, as well as to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

Within this context, ANACOM and the AIR Centre (Atlantic International Research Center), are organizing a side-event, which is an online workshop on “Atlantic Smart Cables: Challenges and Opportunities of the CAM Ring” to be held on June 3, 2021 at 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM (UTC / AZOST). Considering that SMART cables will respond to urgent scientific and societal needs, the workshop will address the concept of SMART Cables, discuss the use of submarine telecom cables for seismic and environmental monitoring building upon the replacement of the CAM (Continent, Azores and Madeira Islands) Ring, and explore potential ways of innovative collaboration between industry, governments and academia for societal impact in the Atlantic region.

Program (time in UTC / AZOST)

11:30 – OPENING: Susete Peixoto Amaro, Regional Secretary for Culture, Science and Digital Transition, Regional Government of the Azores

11:35 – THE NEED TO REPLACE THE CAM RING: João Cadete de Matos, Chairman of ANACOM’s Board of Directors

11:40 – SMART SPECIFICATIONS OF THE FUTURE CAM RING: Miguel Miranda, President of the Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA), representing the “Listening to the Earth under the Atlantic” (LEA)

11:50 – THE IMPORTANCE OF SUBMARINE CABLES FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF OPEN SCIENTIFIC DATA: João Nuno Ferreira, Foundation for National Scientific Computing (FCCN / FCT)

12:00 – EU ATLANTIC DATA GATEWAY PLATFORM INNOVATION: Augusto Fragoso, General Director for Information and Innovation, ANACOM

12:10 – TSUNAMIS AND EARTHQUAKES EARLY WARNING SYSTEM FOR PORTUGAL: Vítor Silva, Professor at University of Aveiro and Seismic Risk Coordinator at the Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation.

12:20 – EU DATA-GATEWAY PLATFORMS: Ambassador Nuno Brito, Portuguese Permanent Representative to the European Union

12:25 – DIGITAL AGENDA FOR THE CPLP: Francisco Chate, Executive Secretary of the ARCTEL-Community of Portuguese Language Countries

12:30 – SMART CABLES: Bruce Howe, JTF SMART Cable Chairman

12:40 – DEBATE (Moderators: José Luiz Moutinho, Chief Business & Networking Officer, AIR Centre, and João Beleza Vaz, Azores Delegation Director, ANACOM )

13:00 – CLOSING: Ana Maria Passos de Carvalho, Regional Secretary for Public Works and Communications, Regional Government of the Azores.

If you need any additional information please send an email to Jose Luiz Moutinho.