Featured Image MAELSTROM

Marine Biodiversity Networking Friday with MAELSTROM

On February 10th, 2023, 1-3 PM UTC we will have the Marine Biodiversity Networking Friday with MAELSTROM, which will be dedicated to marine litter and biodiversity, focusing on current scenarios and future challenges.
Featured Image Netfriday with CloudEARTHi

Networking Friday with CloudEARTHi

On February, 2023, 1-2 PM UTC, Tamer Abu-Alam (Department of Arctic Marine Biology, The Arctic University of Norway - UiT ) will talk about CloudEARTHi: Building innovation capacity for the use of Big Data in Environmental Sciences, Sustainability, Circular Economy and diversity in society.

Networking Friday with Josep Pelegrí

On January 27th, 2023, 1-2 PM UTC, Josep Pelegrí (Institut de Ciències del Mar, CSIC) will talk about Beyond global change: turning threat into opportunity. https://aircent.re/netfriday-josep-pelegri

Networking Friday with David Ikpaya

On January 20th, 2023, 1-2 PM UTC, David Ikpaya (Nigerian National Space Research and Development Agency - NASRDA) will present his work for the development of a Spatial Heterodyne Atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide Spectrometer (SHACS) for Global Atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide Monitoring.

ProtectedSeas: Using Regulatory Data to Inform Marine Spatial Planning Efforts

On January 13th, 2023, 1-2 PM UTC, we will have the Marine Biodiversity Networking Friday with ProtectedSeas. Virgil Zetterlind, Director, and Deirdre Brannigan, Communications and Community Engagement Liaison will present Protected Sea's work on using regulatory data to inform marine spatial planning efforts.

Bio-GO-SHIP: Expanding biological ocean observations for plankton ecosystem science and monitoring to the global scale

On December 9th, 2022, 1-2 PM UTC we will have the Marine Biodiversity Networking Friday on Bio-GO-SHIP: Expanding biological ocean observations for plankton ecosystem science and monitoring to the global scale. Global-scale Ocean observing programs such as JGOFS, WOCE, and GO-SHIP have been operational since the late 1970s and have provided invaluable insights into changes in ocean heat content, oxygen loss, ventilation, and penetration of anthropogenic carbon. However, there has been no such global-scale monitoring of the upper ocean plankton community and metabolism, which are fundamental in driving important biogeochemical cycles.

Networking Friday with Zacharie Sohou (IRHOB)

On September 16th, 2022, 1-2 PM UTC, Dr. Zacharie Sohou will guide us through the relevant work at the service of development that has been developed by the Institut de Recherches Halieutiques et Océanologiques du Bénin (Benin Fisheries and Oceanological Research Institute - IRHOB).