CUSTODIAN project develops innovative system for fishermen

An innovative system has been developed within the scope of the CUSTODIAN – Sensory Network Platform for Sustainable Fishing project allowing fishermen to track fishing gear from a mobile phone and check the price of fish at auction in real time on the high seas. With just a few clicks on a mobile phone, using a simple access programme, fishermen can enter the quantity of each species and the place where it was caught on the platform. Other functionalities include the possibility of the fisherman to check the prices of each auction to choose the most profitable one and contact the auction to let them know you’re going to unload the fish.

The platform created, uses an IOT (Internet of Things) system at sea, which converts the technology to a mobile phone, also allows fishermen to exchange messages in areas where there is no mobile network coverage.

The system developed by the CUSTODIAN partners enhances fishermen’s operations and equipment management, as well as facilitate collaboration among local authorities and businesses to optimize the industry and reduce losses and pollution. During the prototype testing phase, fishermen will experience cost savings due to faster location of fishing gear, retrieval of potentially lost nets, and increased net profit from timely market choices based on real-time catch data.

The AIR Centre played a crucial role in the early conceptual definition, interfacing with fishermen, requirements definition, and overall CUSTODIAN project management. The project, funded by the Blue Growth Program of the EEA Grants Portugal, is the result of an international consortium led by SOLVIT – Innovation on Telecommunications, in collaboration with AIR Centre – Atlantic International Research Centre, LOTAÇOR – Serviço de Lotas dos Açores, S.A, Docapesca – Portos e Lotas, S.A., ISEL – Instituto Superior De Engenharia De Lisboa, UAVision Lda., the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and TERINOV – Science and Technology Park.

The closing event and presentation of results for the CUSTODIAN R&D project in a business context took place at the end of April at TERINOV – Science and Technology Park, Terceira Island, Azores. The CUSTODIAN project represents a significant step towards sustainable fishing practices and digital innovation in the maritime industry, benefiting both fishermen and the marine environment.