Message from the Space

Last Tuesday July the 2nd, the first images acquired by MH-1, a nanosatellite launched over the Atlantic by consortium AEROS, were received, processed, and made available. This initiative, where AIR Centre is a partner, is led by Thales Edisoft Portugal and CEiiA, and the new satellite will acquire data over the Atlantic.

The MH-1 satellite was placed into polar orbit at about 510 kilometers high, shortly after launch. Its speed is about 28000 km/hour. The first phase included orbit stabilization, testing of communication systems, and calibration of sensors. The images now available were obtained with the low-resolution camera and are intended only to support the orientation and the positioning of the nanosatellite.

MH-1 is a forerunner of the future Atlantic Constellation, intended to be a landmark on the continuous observation of our common land: the Atlantic.

You can follow the MH-1’s position with our application –