Networking Friday with SANEPAR

best practices of environmental sanitation

On May 19th, 2023, 1-2 PM UTC, Ronald Gervasoni and Walkyria Novais, from SANEPAR, will guide us through a live tour at the Planet Water Museum in Tarumã, Curitiba, Brazil.  The Museum is an important space for education and awareness about the importance of water and sanitation and it has several interactive exhibits that address topics such as the water cycle, the importance of sewage treatment and the preservation of rivers and oceans. Through educational, playful and fun experiences, the Museum is a valuable tool for engaging the community in SANEPAR’s sustainability practices. They will emphasise the fundamental role of sanitation in the conservation of the oceans, since the lack of basic sanitation is a major problem for the health of the oceans and the quality of life of the population.


Ronald Gervasoni

Ronald Gervasoni

Environmental Engineer, Master Degree by the International Graduate Program in Urban and Industrial Environment by UFPR/SENAI and Universität Stuttgard. He has extensive experience in the area of ​​Sanitation and Environmental Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Environmental Chemistry, with a strong belief in ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance), alignment with the SDGs and the UN Global Compact Principles. He has already led projects in the area of ​​water treatment, treatment of pollutants in groundwater and industrial water. Currently, it develops relevant corporate sustainability projects, which emphasize the importance of innovative environmental solutions, socio-environmental education and corporate social responsibility. Ronald is the Socio-environmental Education Manager of the Environment and Social Action Board at SANEPAR.

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Walkyria Novais

Walkyria Novais

Bachelor Degree in Social Communication, qualification in Public Relations from the Federal University of Paraná, graduated in Visual Arts from the Federal University of Santa Maria, Specialist in Contemporary Poetics in Art Teaching from the Tuiuti University of Paraná, Specialist in Art History and Curatorship from the Pontifical University Catholic of Paraná. Since 2000, she has been a researcher in the arts and has participated in several exhibitions and art salons. She worked as a curator and organizer of exhibitions, developed the Integrated Art Project with workshops, lectures and extension courses in higher education, free workshops and Pedagogical complementation courses with the training of educators. She is currently the Coordinator of Socio-environmental Education Centers and Historical Heritage linked to the Socio-environmental Education Management of SANEPAR.

More information:

We will continue with the Networking Fridays during the next months. More information about future sessions as well as presentations and videos from previous sessions can be found here. Twitter Hashtag: #netfridays. Expect some very exciting afternoons, or mornings or evenings, depending on where you are…

If you need any additional information please send an email to Jose Luiz Moutinho.

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