Networking Friday on Scientific Diplomacy
Opportunities and Challenges for Iberomerica and the Caribbean
On June 24, 2022, 1-2 PM UTC, we will have a Networking Friday on Scientific Diplomacy: Opportunities and Challenges for Iberomerica and the Caribbean with Stefany Palacio de la Cruz, Internationalization Leader at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia (Minciencias), Jose Luiz Moutinho, Chief Business & Networking Officer at the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre), and Carlos Mario Zuluaga, Director of the Regional Office of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) in Colombia.
Stefany Palacio de la Cruz
Internationalization Leader @Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia
MSc. in Administration, Specialist in Marketing Management and Professional in Finances and international relations. She has served as a leader in processes of internationalisation in Higher Education Institutions, and has also played roles of teaching and research, being accredited as a Minciencias Junior Researcher. She has experience in planning, development and evaluation of strategies and projects of Internationalisation of Higher Education, management of cooperation agreements and inter-institutional relations. She currently serves as lead advisor on matters of internationalisation of the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Minciencias).
Jose Luiz Moutinho
Chief Business & Networking Officer @Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre)
Biologist, with a bachelor’s degree in Zoology, graduated from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1981; Architect, graduated from Santa Ursula University in Rio de Janeiro, in 1988, with equivalence conferred by the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University of Lisbon in 1989; Master of Science in Engineering and Technology Management from the Institute of Innovation, Technology and Development Policies (IN+) of Instituto Superior Tecnico (IST) in 2005. Currently he is the Chief Business & Network Officer for the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre).
Carlos Mario Zuluaga Pardo
Director @Regional Office of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) in Colombia
Carlos Mario Zuluaga is the Director of the Regional Office of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI) in Colombia. He has a degree in Teaching Technologies from the Universidad del Atlántico and a master’s degree in Senior Public Management from the José Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute in Spain. He is a lawyer of the University Corporation of Colombia, a specialist in University Teaching at Universidad del Norte, and a specialist in Strategic Management, from the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States. Carlos has twenty years of experience in the public sector, in managerial level positions in different State entities and he has been a member and President of several Boards of Directors of public entities. he worked as a Comptroller Delegate for Citizen Participation, Director of Sectoral Studies, of the Delegate Comptroller for the Mines and Energy Sector and Director of Fiscal Surveillance of the General Comptroller of the Republic. Also, he has served as advisor to the Presidency of the Senate and advisor to the Congress of the Republic in Commission V. He was Secretary of the Interior and Secretary of Education and of the Department of the Atlantic, Social Capital Manager of the Government of Atlántico; President of the Atlantic Youth Council, Municipal Counselor for Youth of Sabanalarga – Atlántico, Project Director of the Atlantic Volunteer Association – AVA, and Advisor to the National Federation of Departments and Deputy Director of the Organization of Ibero-American States.
Throughout his career he has received awards and recognition for his work as an Outstanding Official, by the Comptroller General of the Republic, Outstanding Youth in Political and Administrative Leadership, granted by the Junior Chamber of Colombia, distinctions by the Military Forces, the War School of the Presidency of the Republic and the Atlantic National Police; Exemplary Citizen of Barranquilla, and Gold Gate Medal of Colombia Category “Gold”, granted by the Government of the Atlantic.
Carlos Zuluaga, also holds the position of Director of the Ibero-American Institute for Education in Human Rights and Democracy, with the commitment and conviction to continue working on social and humanistic issues, having as a priority in his management education, early childhood, culture, support for research, science and the promotion of technology, it will also continue to strengthen projects on the prevention of early pregnancies, support for local and national initiatives and regional integration that contribute to the well-being of all Colombians.
We will continue with the Networking Fridays during the next months. More information about future sessions as well as presentations and videos from previous sessions can be found here. Twitter Hashtag: #netfridays. Expect some very exciting afternoons, or mornings or evenings, depending on where you are…
If you need any additional information please send an email to Jose Luiz Moutinho.
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