Networking Friday with Milton Kampel (MOceanS / INPE)
- DATEMay 15th, 2020, 1-2pm UTC
- AIR Centre Networking Fridays
- Download Presentation
- Download Q&A Report
In a time of social distancing, the AIR Centre is brought people back together by launching a series of online networking meetings that take place every Friday, from 1pm to 2 pm UTC. During these relaxing Networking Fridays, researchers, technology innovators, representatives of multilateral organizations, government officials, and social entrepreneurs will present to and discuss with the audience their current work and, most importantly, explore ways of future collaboration. Our goal is to keep our network active, connected and informed of interesting activities going on around the Atlantic region. Let’s inspire each other and thrive through all this together.
In the third session, on May 15th, 2020, 1-2 pm UTC, we had Milton Kampel, Lab Leader of MOceanS – Monitoring Oceans from Space Lab, from INPE – Brazilian National Space Research Institute. From his laboratory, located in Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo, Milton presented his work on use of satellite images and metocean modelling for studying land-ocean interactions and monitoring corals and mangroves. This session was moderated by Sofia Cordeiro, Head of the Ocean Office at FCT – Portuguese Foundation of Science and Technology.
Dr. Milton Kampel holds a degree in Oceanography from Rio de Janeiro State University (1988), a Master’s degree in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research – INPE (1993), a PhD in Oceanography (Biological Oceanography) from the University of São Paulo (2003) and a Postdoctoral at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada (2005). He is currently Senior Researcher at INPE, Head of the multiuser Monitoring Oceans from Space Lab (MOceanS), acting in the Coordination of Earth Observation. He is a lecturer at the Post-Graduate Program in Remote Sensing at INPE (CAPES 7), responsible for the disciplines of Introduction to Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing of Climate and adviser of master’s and doctoral students. He was Head of the Remote Sensing Division and Earth Observation Coordinator Deputy (2008-2013). He was a Member of the Municipal Council for the Environment of São José dos Campos (2004-2010) and the Municipal Council for Preservation of the Historical, Artistic, Landscape and Cultural Heritage of São José dos Campos (2004- 2008), Director of the São Paulo Branch of the Brazilian Association of Oceanography (2009-2016). Awarded with the Honor of Cartographic Merit in the degree of ‘Oficial’ by the Brazilian Society of Cartography (2010). Develops applications of remote sensing and geotechnologies in Oceanography and Environment, mainly in the following subjects: Water/Ocean color, Monitoring of marine ecosystems, Monitoring of inland, coastal and oceanic aquatic systems, Primary productivity, Phytoplankton biomass, Surface temperature and wind field analysis, Study of mangroves and coral reefs, Estimation of offshore wind energy, among others.
We will continue with the Networking Fridays during the months of May, June and July. More information about future sessions as well as presentations and videos from previous sessions can be found here. Twitter Hashtag: #netfridays. Expect some very exciting afternoons, or mornings or evenings, depending on where you are…
If you need any additional information please send an email to Jose Luiz Moutinho.