Networking Friday with Yara Schaeffer-Novelli

Mangrove-Human Connectivity: Beyond Molecular

  • DATE
    July 29, 2023, 1-3 PM UTC
  • AIR Centre Networking Fridays
  • The Networking Fridays were endorsed as a UN Decade of the Ocean Activity
    This is a UN Decade of the Ocean event
  • Download Presentation
    To be available after the session
  • Zoom Webinar Registration is open
  • Or watch on YouTube
    Link to live stream (please subscribe to our channel)
  • The session will be held in Portuguese
    Remote simultaneous interpretation to English will be available

On July 28, 2023, 1:00 – 3:00 PM UTC, the Networking Fridays will commemorate the International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem (26 July) with a lecture entitled MANGROVE-HUMAN CONNECTIVITY: BEYOND MOLECULAR by Yara Schaeffer-Novelli (IOUSP). The moderator will be Renato de Almeida (UFRB). The presentation will be done in Portuguese with remote simultaneous translation to English.

We live in a changing world that makes us more nostalgic for the landscapes and stories still in our memories. In this sense, oral tradition and the maintenance of the culture of the people of the sea are celebrated as dates and festivities that allow us to revisit those memories. Mangroves represent one of the most vivid landscapes in the memories of the communities who live near them. Not only in terms of festivities, fisheries, and the playing in the space exposed in the low tides, but also in the manifestations of respect for the deities they believe to protect that environment so full of legends. Fishermen and shellfish gleaners have a deep knowledge of the mangrove as part of the life cycle of many species invaluable to humans. This contribution, together with other resources coming from all intertidal ecosystems, extrapolate the limits of the coastal zone and reaches the ocean waters where it nourishes the open ocean species. All this may be called CONNECTIVITY.

Convivemos com um mundo em transformação que a cada dia nos deixa mais saudosos das paisagens e histórias que ainda preenchem nossas memórias. É nesse sentido que a tradição oral e a manutenção da cultura dos povos do mar são comemoradas como datas e eventos que nos permitem reviver os nossos sonhos. Os manguezais representam uma das paisagens mais presentes nas memórias de suas comunidades. Não somente em termos das festividades, das pescarias e das brincadeiras nos espaços deixados pelas marés baixas, mas também nas manifestações de respeito pelas divindades que protegem aquele ambiente tão cheio de lendas. Pescadores e marisqueiras são profundos conhecedores do manguezal como parte do ciclo de vida de muitas espécies de valor para os seres humanos. Essa contribuição, em conjunto com outras fontes de recursos oriundos dos ecossistemas do entremarés, extrapola os limites da zona costeira e chega às águas oceânicas onde nutre as espécies de alto mar. A tudo isso, chamamos de CONECTIVIDADE.


Yara Schaeffer-Novelli

Yara Schaeffer-Novelli

Yara Schaeffer-Novelli was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She has a Bachelor degree in Natural History from the University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, a Master Degree in Biological Oceanography and a PhD in Sciences: Zoology Yara is a Lecturer in Biological Oceanography, University of São Paulo, and a Senior Professor at the Oceanographic Institute of the University of São Paulo (IOUSP). She is a founding partner of the BiomaBrasil Institute, member of the Brazilian Wetlands National Committee Marshlands (CNZU), member of the Mangrove Specialist Group, IUCN Species Survival Commission, and observer member of the Ramsar’s Convention Technical and Scientific Committee. Yara was the Coordinator of the Technical Information, Documentation and Environmental Research of the Secretariat of the Environment of the State of São Paulo from 1992 to 1995.


Renato de Almeida

Renato de Almeida

Renato de Almeida is a biologist, with Master and PhD  degrees in biological oceanography. He is a professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) and he is accredited by the Graduate Program in Policy Management (PPGGPP/UFRB). Renato has experience in the field of mangrove ecology and environmental education, having had experiences with the creation of conservation areas (Unidades de Conservação – UCs, in Portuguese), public management, social engagement and, more recently, the Citizen Networks (Redes de Cidadania) of the Environmental Education Program (OEA)  in the Espirito santo State, Brazil, as a mitigation activity resulting from oil and gas exploration activities in the Espírito Santo basin.

We will continue with the Networking Fridays during the next months. More information about future sessions as well as presentations and videos from previous sessions can be found here. Twitter Hashtag: #netfridays. Expect some very exciting afternoons, or mornings or evenings, depending on where you are…

If you need any additional information please send an email to Jose Luiz Moutinho.

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