Our latest news about everything AIR Centre is involved.

AIR Centre joins the IRSO – International Research Ship Operators Forum

As of today, AIR Centre is a proud member of IRSO, the International Research Ship Operators Forum. The primary objective is to connect AIR Centre members with research vessels and the broader IRSO community, promoting the adoption of best practices in vessel operations and the management and accessibility of data gathered during oceanographic campaigns.

Red BEAM Kick-off Meeting: advancing Technological Innovation and the Blue Economy

On January 27, 2025, Red BEAM held its kick-off meeting at PLOCAN, Las Palmas, bringing together the 11 project partners in the consortium. The project aims to create a distributed hub of testbeds for developing, testing, and validating emerging and disruptive ocean technologies in the Macaronesian region and West Africa.

AIR Centre pioneers world’s first global ocean Internal Waves Service

The AIR Centre is set to launch the world's first automated internal ocean waves detection service in 2025. This pioneering initiative marks a groundbreaking advancement in oceanographic research and maritime operations, representing a significant leap forward in ocean observation technology.

Sustainable Fisheries & Blue Food in the North Atlantic

On December 4–5, 2024, the AIR Centre participated in the International Conference on Sustainable Fisheries & Future Blue Food in the North Atlantic. This conference brought together experts and stakeholders to tackle pressing challenges in sustainable fisheries, aquaculture innovation, and the potential of blue foods to address global nutritional needs.

The Ocean is Key to Achieving Climate Goals

On November 22nd, the AIR Centre will attend the COP29 to present the Session 'Nature and Biodiversity, Indigenous People, Gender Equality, Oceans and Coastal Zones' focusing on Monitoring the Ocean Climate with Space and Data Science. The session will also be live streamed on YouTube.

Red BEAM launches project grant agreement to boost the Mid-Atlantic blue economy

On October 25, 2024, the assignment of the Red BEAM project grant agreement has enabled the approved projects to be launched. The project is committed to develop a Hub of test benches for the testing of ocean technologies, aiming to improve the research and innovation capacities of local companies, allowing the region to lead the development of the Mid-Atlantic blue economy.

O20 Summit: A Pivotal Milestone for Sustainable Ocean Governance

The Oceans 20 Summit is taking place on November 16, 2024, under Brazil's G20 presidency. This high-level gathering represents a critical milestone in worldwide efforts to promote sustainable ocean management and develop a thriving blue economy.

Insights from the Atlantic Aquaculture Forum

The Atlantic Aquaculture Forum 2024, held in Angra do Heroísmo, Azores, brought together national and international experts to discuss the development of aquaculture in the Atlantic region.

Copernicus empowers Nigeria’s maritime future

Satellite Earth Observation for Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture workshop, held in Abuja (Nigeria), on September 11-12, focused on enhancing Copernicus uptake for maritime sectors in Nigeria, explored the potential of Earth Observation (EO) systems in addressing challenges in Nigeria's fisheries and aquaculture industries.

AIR Centre Joins Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

The AIR Centre has officially joined the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), a prominent international organization dedicated to developing open standards for geospatial and location-based services.

Brazil and the AIR Centre unite to tackle Atlantic ocean challenges

Experts from Brazil’s ocean research community and the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) will come together to address pressing challenges faced by the Atlantic Ocean. The event is set to take place at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Rio de Janeiro, on September 16, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM (BRT), and live via YouTube.

Letters to the Sea

Somos OceanoS, a Marine Life 2030-affiliated project, invites youth to be part of a global dialogue between youth and decision-makers in marine conservation through their Letters to the Sea initiative providing a unique glimpse into the youth´s perspective, voicing their challenges, ambitions and needs. 

IMar Cabo Verde New Website is Live!

The Institute of the Sea (IMar – Instituto do Mar) of Cabo Verde has launched its website, which is available at This website intends to be a communication platform concerning scientific research, the organizational structure, and possibilities for cooperation with IMar.

Developing the computer programming skills in South Africa

The workshop focus on developing computer programming skills, particularly for women scientists, to utilize satellite imagery for generating and sharing knowledge crucial for sustainable urban development and disaster resilience.
Credit Thales Edisoft_CEiiA

Message from the Space

Last Tuesday July the 2nd, the first images acquired by MH-1, a nanosatellite launched over the Atlantic by consortium AEROS, were received, processed, and made available. MH-1 is a forerunner of the future Atlantic Constellation, intended to be a landmark on the continuous observation of our common land: the Atlantic.

The Atlantic Cloud is moving!

The Atlantic Cloud, a non-profit cloud computing infrastructure, is gaining traction for its innovative approach to serve the communities, science, and sustainable development of the Atlantic region.

Research vessel Islândia carries out sea trials

The research vessel (RV) Islândia, owned by the Instituto do Mar (Cabo Verde), has started on the 31st May the sea trials that will allow for the begging of the operation of the vessel.

CUSTODIAN project develops innovative system for fishermen

An innovative system has been developed within the scope of the CUSTODIAN - Sensory Network Platform for Sustainable Fishing project allowing fishermen to track fishing gear from a mobile phone and check the price of fish at auction in real time on the high seas.
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Updated Essential Biodiversity Variables workflow templates published

The EuropaBON Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) list has been refined and EBV workflow templates have been updated. The EBVs workflow templates offer valuable perspectives on the existing biodiversity monitoring landscape across Europe and how EBV production could be operationalized at the EU level.
Credit: Stefan Andrews / Ocean Image Bank

BioEcoOcean: Co-creating an innovative Blueprint for Integrated Ocean Science

In a bid to transform the landscape of biological and ecosystem (BioEco) ocean observations in Europe and beyond, the EU has funded a new project, BioEcoOcean, under the Horizon Europe Programme to co-create effective solutions to address gaps in the current BioEco global observing system and foster a more coordinated and recognized role in climate and biodiversity decision-making.

Global Warming and its toll on marine biodiversity

In a recent study published in Nature Communications, researchers from the Basque technology centre AZTI, have shed light on the profound effects of ocean warming on marine biodiversity, as species struggle to adapt to different temperature conditions.

NextOcean Showcase event to Drive Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture

On March 1, 2024, the AIR Centre and Colab+Atlantic hosted the NextOcean Showcase event at TERINOV – Science Technology Park, in Terceira, Azores; Plymouth, UK; and Athens, Greece. This innovative event convened local stakeholders to showcase the latest advancements and future plans for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

Warning Sign for Atlantic Current Collapse

In a study published in the journal Science Advances, researchers have pinpointed a crucial warning sign that could signal the collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), a vital ocean current regulating Northern Hemisphere climate.

AIR Centre and MBON announce Partnership Renewal Agreement

A partnership renewal has been announced between the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) and the Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre), for the continuation of a Secretariat to coordinate the global MBON.

TOS Honors recognise MBON co-chair

The Oceanography Society (TOS) 2024 Honors has recently recognised the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network’s (MBON) co-chair, Dr. Frank Muller-Karger, as a Fellow for his exceptional achievement and contributions to ocean sciences.

Innovative Approach to Detect Marine Debris

Advanced satellite data and machine learning algorithms are being deployed to detect suspected marine debris near Vigo, in response to the increasing threat of the presence of plastic pellets in the ocean.

The JuliaEO 2024 Workshop

The second edition of the Global Workshop on Earth Observation with Julia 2024 (JuliaEO 2024) took place in Terceira Island, from the 8th to the 12th January, focused on applying the Julia programming language in Earth Observation.

Peak Temperatures reached during 2023

Data on the Copernicus’ report on Global Climate has showed that 2023 was the hottest year ever recorded, a milestone that highlights the urgent need to employ stabilisation measures to adapt to these changes, as stated by AIR Centre’s Executive Director, Miguel Miranda, in interviews for SIC Notícias and CNN.

Document on Microplastics published by project with LABOMAR

Recently, a document entitled “10 facts about marine pollution by microplastics” (“10 fatos sobre a poluição marinha por microplásticos”, in Portuguese) was published by I-plastics, an international project in which Instituto de Ciências do Mar (LABOMAR) participates.

The “Missing” Water Mass in the Atlantic

Researchers have recently discovered a previously unidentified water mass in the Atlantic Ocean, challenging previous assumptions about the ocean's composition. The findings, reported in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, highlight the importance of advanced technology in ocean research.

KwaZulu-Natal 2022 Floods cause Major influx of Debris into the Ocean

In April of 2022, extreme flooding in KwaZulu-Natal province resulted in one of South Africa’s most destructive disasters with massive accumulation of debris on local beaches and likely a vast inflow into the ocean as detected by the AIR Centre’s POS2IDON satellite tool.

The World’s First Reserve for Sperm Whales

This week, the Government of Dominica announced its commitment to create the world’s first marine reserve for sperm whales, ensuring the safety of these animals and contributing to fight the climate crisis.

New Partnership to Advance Ocean Exploration

A new partnership has been announced with the goal of advancing ocean exploration, focused on the observation of marine life and ocean mapping to improve conservation and sustainable practices.

West Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting

Through recent simulations, British Antarctic Survey scientists predict that the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet will be nearer irreversible, contributing to a rise in global sea levels by up to five meters.

EEA Grants at the Azores

On the 11th October, EEA Grants, Portuguese and Norwegian government representatives visited TERINOV - Science and Technology Park, where the AIR Centre is based, for a presentation on regional projects financed by the programme.

Double Awards at Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference

Today, 19th October, at the Atlantic Stakeholder Platform Conference, in Oporto, Portugal, the ASTRAL Project and BlueMissionAA both had the pleasure of receiving the Atlantic Project Award, in the categories of International Cooperation, and Healthy Oceans and Resilient Coasts, respectively.

LabPlas High Level Panel on Plastic Governance

On the 9th of October, the “High-Level Panel on Plastic Governance: A roadmap for the upcoming decade” took place in Vigo to discuss policies related to plastic materials, organised by the H2020 LabPlas project as a parallel session for the EurOCEAN 2023 conference, which took place in the following couple of days.

World Space Week 2023 launch in Ponta Delgada

Last Wednesday, in Ponta Delgada, the office of the Regional Undersecretary of the Presidency, through the Azores Mission Structure for Space (EMA-Space), promoted a public launch session of World Space Week 2023, attended by the national coordinator of World Space Week, Cláudio Gomes, and AIR Centre’s Project Developer, Mariana Ávila.

A Tool to Increase the Utility of Ocean Observations

BioEcoOcean to create a system for supporting the development and coordination of ocean biological observations and measurements, making them comparable between different countries, research groups and management agencies.

Safeguarding Whales and the Ocean Ecosystem

Collisions between whales and ships, a pressing issue in the Atlantic Ocean, is the focus of a new initiative led by The Centre for Marine and Environmental Sciences/Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation (Mare-Madeira/ARDITI), which aims to deploy cutting-edge technologies that promise to significantly reduce these incidents.

AIR Centre highlighted in the EC’s “Stories from the Regions”

AIR Centre is highlighted in the European Commission series episode  "Stories from the Regions". Set against the backdrop of the Park of Science and Technology TERINOV, based in Terceira Island, Azores, the video is part of a series showing testimonials from people benefiting from EU-funded projects in the regions.

UNEP Marine Sand Watch on the Effect of Massive Extraction

A new global data platform called "Marine Sand Watch", developed by GRID-Geneva, a center within the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), has revealed that the marine dredging industry is extracting a staggering 6 billion tons of sand annually from the world's oceans.

New Study Reveals How Temperature Impacts Leatherback Sea Turtle Hatchlings

In a ground-breaking study, researchers from Florida Atlantic University have unveiled the significant influence of temperature on the reproductive success of leatherback sea turtles, indicating how climate change is a major threat for this particular species and highlighting the urgent need for conservation efforts to protect these vulnerable creatures in the face of climate change.

Scientists Conduct Meteorological Research Campaign in Cabo Verde

During the month of September, experts from British institutions dedicated to the development of meteorological technologies and research, namely Voltitude and StratoSolutions, are embarking on a scientific campaign focused on meteorology and climate research at the Cabo Verde Atmospheric Observatory (CVAO) in São Vicente.

All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance Forum 2023

Registrations are now open for the 2023 edition of the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance Forum, which will take place in Cape Town, South Africa, on 21-22 November 2023. The event is co-organised by the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission.

New LoRaWAN World Record

The long term LoRaWAN® distance world record now stands at 1336 km / 830 miles!

Vacancy: Project Manager (PM) (CLOSED)

The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) has a vacancy for a Project Manager (PM). You will be joining a dynamic and multidisciplinary team to support the implementation of the EU Mission Restore Our Ocean and Waters by 2030 in the Atlantic 6 Arctic basins.

Atlantic Aquaculture International Conference (AAIC23)

AAIC23 will be a presential event jointly organised with the Brazilian Congress of Aquaculture and Aquatic Biology (X Aquaciência) from April 10 to 14, 2023 at the Convention Center – CentroSul- in Florianopolis, Brazil.

Atlantic Innovation Week 2023

The 𝗔𝘁𝗹𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗜𝗻𝗻𝗼𝘃𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸 will be back in March 2023, with sessions on Blue Economy, Digital Transformation, Ocean, Earth Observation and more!

Vacancy: Project and Business Developer (CLOSED)

The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) has a vacancy for a Project and Business Developer. You will be joining a dynamic and multidisciplinary team and work in the diverse and emerging fields related to Space, Ocean, Energy and Data Science.

Vacancy: IT Specialist (CLOSED)

The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) has a vacancy for an IT specialist. You will be joining a dynamic and multidisciplinary team and work in the diverse and emerging fields of satellite Earth Observation (EO) and Data science.

AIR Centre Team Meeting

From the 6th to the 8th of October the AIR Centre organised a meeting, at the Thalia Theatre, Lisbon, gathering the team from Azores and Lisbon for a series of presentations and activities.

Azores Symposium on Advances in Ocean Observation

The "Azores Symposium on Advances in Ocean Observation" was held on Terceira Island in Angra do Heroísmo from 4 to 7 July, an innovative event where more than thirty international scientists and  specialists in robotic methods of ocean observation, met to discuss innovative ways of advancing ocean knowledge.

The AIR Centre at UNOC 2022

The 2022 UN Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, took place on 27 June – 1 July 2022, in Lisbon, Portugal. The AIR Centre was present in several activities, both as organizers and participants of UNOC official side-events.

Vacancy: Project Controller and Planning officer (CLOSED)

The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) has a vacancy for a Project Controller and Planning officer. You will be joining a dynamic and multidisciplinary team and work in the diverse and emerging fields related to Space, Ocean, Energy and Data Science.

Vacancy: Project Officer – Earth Observation Laboratory (CLOSED)

The Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre) has a vacancy for a Project Officer for the Earth Observation Laboratory (EO Lab).You will be joining a dynamic and multidisciplinary team and work in the diverse and emerging fields of Earth Observation (EO), such as detection of marine litter, monitoring of air and water quality and new applications in sectors such as aquaculture and fishing. As a Project Officer, you will work with ...

New Project: LABPLAS

LABPLAS is a H2020 project focused on detecting plastics in the environment: understanding the sources, transport, distribution and impacts of plastics pollution.

EuroGEO Webinar 2020

The 14th edition of the EuroGEO workshop, scheduled for June 2020 in Paris, has been postponed to 2021 due to the current global health situation. However, 14th edition organisers will still host a virtual event on June 8th to bring the community together.

Survey on COVID 19 impacts on aquaculture

The project is conducted by the University of Palermo, Department of Earth and Sea Science (DISTEM), Laboratory of Ecology, on the effects of the coronavirus COVID-19 on aquaculture.

BlueTech Global Connect (BGC) webinar series

TMA BlueTech launches the BlueTech Global Connect (BGC) monthly webinar series beginning on April 16th, 2020. These webinars aims to connect with innovative BlueTech companies looking globally for individuals and organisations to help them expand.

2020 UN Ocean Conference

The Ocean Conference, co-hosted by the Governments of Kenya and Portugal, comes at a critical time as the world is strengthening its efforts to mobilize, create and drive solutions to realize the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Workshop: Discovering exploratory EO use-cases in the Atlantic

The AIR Center, in collaboration with the Regional Government of the Azores, organised on December 9th and 10th, at the Science and Technology Park (TERINOV) in Terra Chã, Terceira Island, the Discovering Use Cases for Exploratory Earth Observation in the Atlantic workshop.

All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum

The All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum held on 6-7 February 2020 in Brussels, gathered political and community leaders, researchers, industry, Youth Ambassadors, and inspirational speakers from along and across the Atlantic Ocean, from the Arctic to Antarctica, to showcase the results of cooperation and their impact on the citizens living on the shores of the Atlantic.

Technology and Innovation Expo’2019

The Federal Ministry of Science and Technology of Nigeria organized on January 14-18 at Michael Okpara Square in Engu, the 3rd edition of the Technology and Innovation Expo focused on the role of Science, Technology and Innovation for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Growth.

G-STIC 2019

This year’s G-STIC was the key meeting place and global platform for market-ready integrated technological solutions aiming to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Starting in 2017 with a conference attended by more than 1000 participants, this year’s edition took place from the 20th to the 22nd November and attracted a larger crowd.

Setting sail to solve plastic pollution, the eXXpedition project

“We don’t need more data to prove we’ve got a problem, we just need to solve it.” Is the statement made by Emily Penn, an ocean advocate and skipper who has been working on the plastics issue for the last 12 years. Following the very same issue, in 2014 Emily co-founded eXXpedition. She is the mission director of the current voyage, Round the World, a 2-year voyage which started on 7th October 2019 and will continue to April 2021, counting on 300 women sailing 38000 nautical miles divided into 30 legs.