Applied Geotechnologies For Waterborne Disease Studies In Brazil
On July 15th, 2021, 2-3 PM UTC, Ricardo José de Paula Souza e Guimarães, Instituto Evandro Chagas, Brazilian Ministry of Health, presented and discussed Applied Geotechnologies For Waterborne Disease Studies In Brazil at the 3rd Webinar of the ONWARD Series on Water Related Diseases, Their Links to Environmental Quality, Monitoring Methods and Solutions.
The human-health is constantly influenced by sociodemographic and environmental parameters. The applicability of geotechnologies into healthcare problems is a great alternative fordetermining risk sites – areas that are deemed of higher vulnerability. This presentation shows the use of geotechnologies (smartphones, GNSS, GIS, Remote Sensing, etc.) applied to the study of waterborne diseases, focusing mainly on Brazilian study cases, though applicable anywhere else. The presentation is divided into the following topics: databasesdefinitions and usage (primary and secondary data); georeferencing/geocoding approaches; sociodemographic, environmental and remote sensing variables acquisition (vector and matrix data types); socio-epidemiological profiling; regression analysis; spatial and temporal analysis (spatial distribution, kernel, buffer, scan, kriging, risk, models, etc.)..
Ricardo José de Paula Souza e Guimarães
Applied Geotechnologies For Waterborne Disease Studies In Brazil
Graduated in Biological Sciences from the University of Taubaté (1994), Master in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research (2000), and Ph.D. in Biomedicine from the Teaching and Research Institute of Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte (2010). He is currently a Full Technologist (Research and Biomedical Research in Public Health) and Responsible for the Geoprocessing Laboratory at Instituto Evandro Chagas, Ministry of Health of Brazil; also, he is a permanent professor of the Graduation Program in Epidemiology and Health Surveillance from the Instituto Evandro Chagas; a collaborating professor at the Postgraduate Program in Animal Health in the Amazon from the Federal University of Pará and a collaborating professor at the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Geoprocessing from the Federal Institute of Rondônia, Campus Colorado do Oeste. He has experience in the field of Geosciences, with an emphasis on Geotechnologies, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Epidemiology, Public Health.His professional activities mainly involve thefollowing topics: geoprocessing in health and the environment, mobile geotechnology, spatial analysis and geostatistics.
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