Açores IntAIRsect – Internationalization of the AIR Center within the scope of the Azores sectoral challenges

Açores IntAIRsect – Internacionalização do AIR Centre no âmbito dos desafios sectoriais dos Açores

The Açores IntAIRsect project intends to promote all the scientific potential of the Azores within the international scientific community. In this sense, the Azores will position themselves as natural living labs for the exploration and experimentation of new concepts, technologies and knowledge for the sustainable use of the oceans.

Açores IntAIRsect’s mission is to develop and implement projects of excellence in response to societal challenges, providing solutions, along with creating added value and global benefits for local communities.

The main goal is to leverage scientific projects of international collaboration, with European, African and American partners. In addition to the AIR Centre, collaborations should include other regional entities. These projects will focus on addressing and finding solutions for challenges that affect the Azores and / or the Atlantic region.

The specific outcomes that Açores IntAIRSsect intends to achieve are: 1) at least 3 international projects for the Azores; 2) involve at least 200 international researchers; 3) define joint research agendas; and 4) sign bilateral international agreements.

The overall ambitious is to strengthen relations between entities and countries, as well as with the various international cooperation networks in which the AIR Centre is involved. As a consequence, this will allow the creation of permanent platforms for the development of new initiatives and projects of excellence.

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Project Co-Financed by:

Project Reference: ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000138

Ficha Técnica AÇORES2020 – FEDER: aqui.