The AIR Centre Data Intelligence Network
A network of supercomputing facilities and expertise supporting advanced and complex simulation models of the ocean and atmosphere for the Atlantic AIR Centre community.
- Coordinating personsRui Oliveira, INESC TEC, Portugal,
- StatusProposal
- AbstractThe AIR_DataNET platform is being designed to manage all sorts of data relevant to the AIR Centre projects (e.g. datasets, source code, publications) duly curated and catalogued. Researchers will be able to in situ query, process, analyze and render presentations enabling the fulfillment of AIR Centre’s research mission. These procedures and services will be fully aligned with the Open Science agenda in the Pan-European Research Area. Accordingly, the objectives of the AIR_DataNet are:
- to enable and support a very large capacity federated data infrastructure providing ready-to-use data focused on the scientific domains of the AIR Centre;
- to provide a one-stop shop Open Data management facility for storage, processing and retrieval;
- to provide state-of-the-art presentation and visualization data services and tools.
- ConsortiumThe implementation of the AIR_DataNet leverages a highly scalable Open Science Cloud node federating storage and processing resources from the MACC (Minho Advanced Computing Centre), BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Centre) and TACC (Texas Advanced Computing Center). The node will start by creating a FAIR (Accessible, Findable Interoperable and Reusable) Data & Metadata Catalogue of the AIR Centre projects.
Other current partners include COPPE (Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia), LNCC (Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica) and INPE (National Institute for Space Research) from Brazil and CHPC (Centre for High Performance Computing) from South Africa.