Based on the revision of the scientific and technical requirements it is clear to this consortium that the purpose of this ITT is to exploit the latest advances in EO technology, complemented by models and in-situ observations, to enhance the fundamental scientific understanding and predictive capacity of hydro-climatic induced extreme sea level events and related coastal hazards as well as our potential to better assess the related risk and the vulnerability of coastal zones to such events. In addition, the ITT objectives include bringing the EO Experimental Products closer to meaningful societal applications – specifically, EOatSEE aims to evaluate the added value of EO-products on the high-resolution downscaling modelling tools, in support of knowledge-based decision making in several use cases applications.


Earth Observation Advanced science Tools for Sea level Extreme Events (EOatSEE) is a project funded by ESA and proposed by a consortium of institutions and companies that are internationally recognized for their work in the Marine, Coastal and Earth Observation topics. It aims to provide an advanced reconstruction of the relevant processes included in extreme sea level (ESL) events and its related coastal hazards, by taking advantage of the novel capabilities and synergies offered by the latest advances in EO technology.

The solid scientific knowledge arising from EOatSEE therefore shall enhance the fundamental scientific understanding and predictive capacity of such events, as well as our potential to better assess the related risk and the vulnerability of coastal zones. Therefore, following an initial phase for scientific requirements consolidation, EOatSEE will address the following three main science cases domains, which represent the main drivers for the proposed work:

Science case 1 – Predictability: drivers of extreme sea level flooding hazards
Science case 2 – Process understanding: the cascade effect of extreme sea level events on long-term coastal evolution considering the dynamic morphological response
Science case 3 – Assessment and risk and vulnerability: the tipping points of coastal systems

Title: EOatSEE – Earth observations advanced tools for Sea level extreme events
Start-End: June 2022 – May 2024
For more information please access this link.

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