FPCUP Action 2020-3-2: Copernicus Events for Business Innovation in Portugal


The objective of this action is to promote the use of Copernicus data and tools by different end-users acting in fields to be in coherency with the Copernicus Services and key priority areas in Portugal. It is also expected that start-ups and SMEs develop new and innovative products to address specific challenges. To accomplish this, a series of specific challenges will be identified in close cooperation with entities working in the domain of each event and the showcases and training will provide the tools to solve these challenges. This will provide hands-on experience to start-ups and SMEs and it will also raise awareness to public and private entities on the potential of Copernicus data and platforms. This action consists of organizing 6 Copernicus events for business in 2 years, bringing together service providers and potential end users. The key areas addressed are:
• Ocean Monitoring (Azores)
• Coastal Communities (Azores)
• Forest Fires (outside Lisbon)
• Agriculture (outside Lisbon)
• Smart Cities (Lisbon)
• Energy (Lisbon)
These events will be organized in different locations aiming to bring together different stakeholders for each of the key areas identified above together with specialists from the Copernicus Support Office. They will be conducted as 1-day events with awareness presentations, trainings, showcases and networking.
This action is an opportunity for AD AIR Centre, Portugal Space and DGT to inspire the Portuguese Space community, including start-ups and SMEs to use Copernicus data and tools and to develop products that fulfil the needs identified in each of the 6 key areas. With this action, it is expected that start-ups and SMEs get inspired to develop new and innovative products focusing the specific challenges that will be highlighted in each of the sessions.
All communication support and other physical material will be issued in English and Portuguese in order to be eventually reused afterwards and shared with the Atlantic Interactions network. The language used by attendees during the events will be English and Portuguese.

Acronym: FPCUP Action 2020-3-2
Title: FPCUP Action 2020-3-2: Copernicus Events for Business Innovation in Portugal
Start-End: June 2021 – December 2023
For more information please access this link.

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