Link to: Scientific Requirements Workshop

Scientific Requirements Workshop


  • Date
    September 21, 2022
  • Time
    9:00 – 17:00 CEST

Earth Observation Advanced science Tools for Sea level Extreme Events (EOatSEE) is a project funded by ESA and aims to provide an advanced reconstruction of the relevant processes included in Extreme Sea Level (ESL) events and its related coastal hazards, by taking advantage of the novel capabilities and synergies offered by the latest advances in Earth Observation (EO) technology.

To advance the knowledge regarding ESL events, the project includes the implementation of six different use cases located in key vulnerable areas aiming the development of a Scientific Roadmap. In order to develop this roadmap, which will guide future developments on the outcomes of the project, the Scientific Requirement Workshop (Wednesday, 21 September 2022, 9:00 to 17:00 CEST, online) will address the following issues:

Review of the project key Science Cases and the proposed approach to address them, welcoming the feedback and criticism of the invited experts
Discussion on further scientific and observational information gaps and the potential need for the development of new services or products to address ESL events
Roadmap for a long-term research and development plan to address major scientific challenges and observation gaps for a 3-to-5-year range as well as a transition from research to operational activities, including capacity building and communication


( CEST )

  • 09:00/09:15 Welcome remarks | EOatSEE and Scientific Workshop overview
  • 09:15/10:00 Science cases, Use cases and Advanced science tools: Predictability
  • 10:00/10:45 Science cases, Use cases and Advanced science tools: Risk and vulnerability assessment
  • 10:45/11:00 Coffee Break
  • 11:00/12:30 Science cases, Use cases and Advanced science tools: Process understanding
  • 12:30/13:30 Lunch break
  • 13:30/15:00 Interactive review of expert’s feedback
  • 15:00/15:15 Coffee Break
  • 15:15/16:45 Roadmap on the long-term research and development plan
  • 16:45/17:00 Way forward and closing remarks