- DATEMarch 2, 2020
- Venue
- Program
- 09:00-10:00 Registration / Welcome Coffee
- 10:00-12:00 Opening Session: Setting the StageWelcome Remarks | José Manuel Simões | IGOT
Moderator | Miguel Belló | AIR Centre
José Luís Zêzere | IGOT | Climate Change and Climate Risks: the case of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area
José Manuel Mendes | CES | Social Vulnerability, Scale and the Territory: A Template for Action
Jorge Conde | IPC | Qualidade do Ar e Interação Respiratória no Humano: Criação de um Laboratório de Intervenção em Fenómenos Ocasionais
Hugo Costa | Portuguese Space Agency | Portugal Space
- 12:00-14:00 Lunch
- 14:00-15:30 Territorial MonitoringModerator | Sérgio Portela | FIOCRUZ
Sérgio Oliveira | IGOT | Landslide Early Warning Systems: conceptual and practical implications
Nuno Catarino | Deimos | Service4EO
Ana Oliveira | IGOT// Colab+Atlantic | Urban Climate
- 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
- 16:00-17:30 Coastal ProcessesModerator | Luiz Landau | LAMCE/COPPE/UFRJ
Ramiro Neves | MARETEC//IST | Responding to Climate Emergency: ocean-land interactions
natural hazards and socio-environmental vulnerabilities
Gonçalo Vieira | IGOT | Assessment of coastal erosion and flooding hazard in the Beaufort Sea coast
Teresa Ferreira | GMV | Earth Observation for Climate Resilience
- 17:30-18:00 ConclusionsJosé Manuel Mendes | CES
Miguel Belló | AIR Centre
- DATEMarch 3, 2020
- Venue
- Program
- 09:00-10:00 Registration / Welcome Coffee
- 10:00-12:00 Opening SessionModerator | José Luis Zêzere | IGOT
Paulo Gadelha | FIOCRUZ | Agenda 2030: Desdobramentos Recentes, Papel da CTI e Contribuições da Fiocruz
Eduardo Pereira | IB-S | Contribuições para sensores de custo controlado, robótica submarina acessível e sistemas de informação
Susana Catita/Miguel Viveiros | Ciência LP | Abordagem às Emergências Climáticas: Formação Avançada e Capacitação Científica
Miguel Belló | AIR Centre | Artificial Intelligence and Earth Observation
- 12:00-14:00 Lunch
- 14:00-15:30 Socio-environmental vulnerabilityModerator | Sérgio Portela | FIOCRUZ
José Paulo Pinto | Instituto Hidrográfico | Flutuadores derivantes: monitorização em ambientes costeiros
Luiz Paulo Assad | LAMCE/COPPE/UFRJ | Environmental Modelling and Artificial Intelligence as tools to support 2030 UN SDGs achievement: Initiatives, R&D Projects and Proposals
Teresa Simas | Wavec | Socio-environmental vulnerability the role of marine renewable energy
Carla Sousa | IHMT | Vector-borne diseases emergence
- 15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
- 16:00-17:30 Climate EmergencyModerator | Susana Catita | Ciência LP
Vanda Brotas | MARE UL | Uso de deteção Cor do Oceano na monitorização de zonas costeiras e estuarinas
Ricardo Encarnação Coelho | cE3c/UL | SOCLIMPACT Project: Energy response to Climate Emergency
Helena Freitas | UC | Impact of Climate Change in Biodiversity in Africa
Eduardo Pereira | IB-S | Contabilidade dos Oceanos para Apoio à Decisão, Sustentabilidade e Prosperidade
Maurício Santos | IGOT | Spatial-temporal modelling of Aedes aegypti for a development of an early warning system in Madeira Island
- 17:30-18:00 ConclusionsJosé Luis Zêzere | IGOT
Paulo Gadelha | FIOCRUZ
- José Manuel Simões | IGOT | President
- Miguel Belló | AIR Centre | CEO
- José Luis Zêzere | IGOT | Vice-President
- José Manuel Mendes | CES | OSIRIS Coordinator
- Jorge Conde | IPC | ESTeSC President
- Hugo Costa | Portuguese Space Agency | Member of the Board of Directors
- Paulo Gadelha | FIOCRUZ | Coordinator of the Fiocruz Strategy for the Agenda 2030
- Sérgio Portella | FIOCRUZ | Advisor of the Fiocruz Strategy for the Agenda 2030
- Sérgio Oliveira | IGOT | CEG Researcher
- Nuno Catarino | DEIMOS | Head of Data Science
- Ana Oliveira | IGOT//CoLAB + Atlantic | Researcher
- Ramiro Neves | MARETEC//IST | Coordinator
- Gonçalo Vieira | IGOT | CEG Researcher
- Teresa Ferreira | GMV | Director of Space, Portugal
- Eduardo Pereira | IB-S | Principal Investigator
- Luiz Paulo Assad | LAMCE/COPPE/UFRJ | Technical Coordinator
- Teresa Simas | Wavec | Head of Marine Environment and Public Policies
- Susana Catita | Ciência LP | Executive Director
- Miguel Viveiros | Ciência LP | Scientific Coordinator
- José Paulo Pinto | Instituto Hidrográfico | Senior Technician
- Carla Sousa | IHMT | Assistant Professor
- Vanda Brotas | MARE UL | Researcher
- Ricardo Encarnação Coelho | cE3c/UL | Researcher
- Helena Freitas | UC | Full Professor
- Maurício Santos | IGOT | Researcher