Stock assessment plans in Cabo Verde and Angola

The understanding of the level of sustainability of marine resources is critical to help characterizing ocean health. It is also important for the economy of coastal communities around the Atlantic Basin. Cooperation between marine institutes is key to gather the needed means and skills.

A new initiative started today coordinated by IMar (Instituto do Mar I.P., Cabo Verde) with the participation of INIPM (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Pesqueira, Angola) and researchers from the Universities of Azores and Algarve. The aim is to co-develop and co-design stock assessment plans, based on the collation of all existing monitoring information and the best science available. In the future, the investment being made in both countries in what concerns research vessels will be fundamental to improve the sustainable management of ocean resources and services.

Supported by the AIR Centre and implemented together with national research institutes from the network member countries (Cabo Verde and Angola), this initiative is key to strengthen stock assessment in the Atlantic coast of Africa, contributing with data and information to implement national strategies as well as regional and global processes as the All-Atlantic Ocean Research and Innovation Alliance and the UN Decade of Ocean Science.