AIR Centre Co-Hosts International Aquaculture Conference in South Africa

The AIR Centre, in collaboration with the H2020 ASTRAL project (All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, ProfiTable and Resilient AquacuLture) and the Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa (AASA), hosts the Atlantic Aquaculture International Conference – AAIC24.
The event started last Monday and will run until 13 September in Stellenbosch, South Africa.

During these five days, over 150 attendees, including PhD students, early career scientists, industry partners, and world-renowned experts, are sharing knowledge and discussing the latest developments in the field.

This conference serves as an important platform for exchanging experiences, presenting innovative technologies, addressing current challenges in aquaculture and strengthening collaboration among the North and South Atlantic.
It represents a significant step towards a more collaborative and sustainable future for the Atlantic aquaculture and underscores the AIR Centre’s commitment to promoting knowledge exchange in the Atlantic.