Marine Biodiversity Networking Friday with Invasion Species in the Mediterranean

On October 11th, 2024, from 13:00 to 14:00 PM UTC+0, we will have a special session with Dr Periklis Kleitou, focusing on invasive species in the Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean Sea is experiencing unprecedented challenges from the rapid introduction of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS), predominantly facilitated by the Suez Canal. These species progressively expand from the eastern to the western basin, with Cyprus providing a critical observation point for evaluating early-stage management strategies for invasive species. In this presentation, Periklis Kleitou will provide insights from various projects throughout Cyprus, addressing the limitations and challenges of current management practices, and suggesting potential improvements for regional strategies.

The presentation will highlight the need for a unified and comprehensive monitoring strategy to mitigate the variability in current monitoring practices. The integration of Marine Biodiversity Observation Networks (MBON) is proposed as a method to standardize data collection and improve the understanding of the impacts of invasive species across different regions.

Dr. Kleitou will also discuss the role of fishery exploitation strategies and reforms as critical components in managing invasive populations. The engagement of local fisheries in management efforts, especially through community-led SCUBA diving events for species removal, has proven to be an effective and socially advantageous method.  Nevertheless, legislative reforms are critically needed across Mediterranean countries to allow for the effective implementation of these strategies.

The necessity of collaborative efforts and knowledge sharing will be emphasized to develop a coordinated response strategy across the region, aimed at optimizing ecological and socio-economic outcomes in response to the challenges posed by invasive species.


Periklis Kleitou

Researcher for the Marine & Environmental Research (MER) Lab, Limassol, Cyprus

Periklis Kleitou earned his BSc in Environmental Biology and Education from the University of Brighton, followed by an MSc in Sustainable Aquaculture from the University of St. Andrews. He completed his PhD in Marine Sciences at the University of Plymouth, where he pioneered research on the management of non-indigenous marine species in the Mediterranean, with a notable focus on the lionfish (Pterois miles). Periklis excels in the synthesis of ecological and socioeconomic data to forge actionable strategies and influential policies in marine management. He has led and contributed to over 60 multidisciplinary projects targeting marine biodiversity, sustainable aquaculture, and fisheries management. His collaborative approach with stakeholders, ranging from local fishers and divers to aquaculture operators and policy makers, has been pivotal in advancing community-engaged science and policy. His scholarly output includes over 60 peer-reviewed articles, predominantly on alien species.

Carlotta Santolini

Marine Biologist, Blueat-La Pescheria Sostenibile, Italy

Carlotta Santolini graduated with a biological sciences and marine biology degree from Ancona (UNIVPM). She has a master’s degree in international leadership. Since November 2021 she has been enrolled in the national doctoral program in Sustainable Development and Climate change at IUSS in Pavia. Carlotta has been selected as one of “The early career Ocean Practices Ambassadors” for UNESCO and a Young Ocean Advocate for the European Commission.
Carlotta created her own company to raise awareness of alien species and successfully introduced blue crab into the Italian culinary tradition. Now, she dedicates full time to her project, “Blueat—La Pescheria Sostenibile.”


Charles Alan Jacoby

Strategic Program Director for the Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation, University of South Florida

Charles Jacoby received his BS and MS in Biological Sciences from Illinois State University, his PhD in Biological Sciences from Stanford University, and his MBA from the University of Western Australia. His research touches on numerous components of freshwater, estuarine, coastal, and deepwater marine systems. He has led or managed approximately $30M of scientific research, including an $8M study of the ecology of Jervis Bay and a $10M study of the ecology of the Indian River Lagoon. Jacoby holds a gubernatorial appointment to the Red Tide/Harmful Algal Bloom Task Force, and he co-chairs the task force’s Communications Work Group. In addition, he is a member of the Gulf and South Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species and the chair of the Community Stakeholder Advisory Committee for the Center for Coastal and Marine Ecosystems, which is a Cooperative Science Center funded by the NOAA Educational Partnership Program with Minority Serving Institutions.

We will continue with the Networking Fridays during the next months. More information about future sessions as well as presentations and videos from previous sessions can be found here. Please do not forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel.  Twitter Hashtag: #netfridays. Expect some very exciting mornings, afternoons or evenings, depending on where you are…

If you need any additional information please send an email to Catarina Duarte.

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