Networking Fridays with OCEANIDS
On November 22th, 2021, 1- 2 PM UTC, our Networking Friday will introduce the Horizon Europe project OCEANIDS. The consortium is formed by 27 institutions, from 11 countries. OCEANIDS aims to develop Citizen-driven tools and applications that enable a more resilient and inclusive society in coastal regions via better-informed and integrated seascape management. The central concept is to collect, harmonize, and curate existing and openly available climate data services, making data accessible, reusable, and interoperable for developing local adaptation strategies. These tools focus on Climate-Informed Maritime Spatial Planning and integrated seascape management, all aiming to contribute to a more resilient and inclusive Blue Economy.
This webinar aims to debate and explore how investing in ocean literacy initiatives is essential for harnessing the full potential of the blue economy while safeguarding the health and resilience of marine ecosystems.
Programme (1PM UTC / 2PM CEST):
1:00 Welcome remarks and introduction by Eirini Marinou, Geosystems Hellas
1:05 OCEANIDS in a Nutshell, Vasiliki (Betty) Charalampopoulou, Geosystems Hellas
1:25 Introducing core technology modules for data & services federation and curation, Platon Patlakas, HCMR Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
1:35 OCEANIDS user-driven tools & applications development, Daphne Pantousa, Resilience Guard
1:45 Q&A, moderated by Eirini Marinou, Geosystems Hellas
2:00 Closing remarks
Vasiliki (Betty) Charalampopoulou
OCEANIDS in a Nutshell
Introduction of OCEANIDS project
Vasiliki (Betty) Charalampopoulou is GEOSYSTEMS HELLAS S.A. [GSH] President & CEO and a shareholder. Betty is a geologist, with a specialization in remote sensing, photogrammetry and GIS applications. She is actively enrolled in projects by Horizon Europe, H2020, ESA, GSRT, and bi-national, as well as several commercial ones, with a dynamic participation in the downstream space sector. She has several collaborations with national and international universities, local governments and industries. As CEO and President, she has established methodologies and formulated strategies, gaining many distributions and collaborations. In 2012, she established the company’s R & D division and had Successful R & D projects under her supervision, with transferability to many industries and countries. She is also responsible for distributing roles and responsibilities in the company. She has also established several international collaborations, being involved in working groups of EARSC, GEO, FIG, UNESCO, OGC, ESA, NASA, ISA etc. Betty is an elected Director of the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC), EARSC representative in the GEO Post-2025 Working Group, is also elected to the board of the Hellenic Association of Space Industry (HASI) and the board of the si-cluster in which acts as Technical Director for SPACE 4.0. Betty is the ELOT “Expert – Greece” at the ISO TC20 /SC14 /WG 8 Downstream Standardization for Space Services & Space-based Applications Group.
Platon Patlakas
Introducing Core Technology Modules for Data & services Federation and Curation
The presentation will cover several core tasks within the OCEANIDS project, starting with the development of a data harmonization, federation and exchange framework, using OCEANIDS Data Cubes to integrate Earth Observation (EO) and non-EO data for spatiotemporal analysis. Climate change impacts on coastal regions are also examined through a multi-model approach, assessing several factors such as wind conditions and precipitation impacts on port operations. The curation of meteorological models enables localized environmental impact assessment, combining seasonal forecasts with machine-learning downscaling.
Dr. Platon Patlakas (M) holds a Bachelor’s degree in Physics (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – NKUA), an M.Sc. in Environmental Physics and a Ph.D. in Physics (supported by a funded scholarship). From 2012 to 2024, he served as an Assistant Researcher in the Atmospheric Modeling and Weather Forecasting Group at NKUA. In 2024, he joined the Hellenic Center for Marine Research (HCMR) as a Postdoctoral Researcher, contributing to the Oceanids project. He has co-lectured in three courses at NKUA and has served on the committee for two master’s theses. Dr. Patlakas is also the Co-Leader of Working Group 1 (Process-based understanding of Mediterranean cyclones at weather time scales) in the European network for Mediterranean cyclones in weather and climate (COST Action – CA19109). In 2023, he was a visiting researcher at the Earth Systems Analysis group of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) in Germany, and since early 2023, he has been a Visiting Assistant Research Professor at the Eversource Energy Center, University of Connecticut, USA. Overall, he has participated in 22 research and operational programs, received two awards for his research contributions and has 19 publications in peer-reviewed international scientific journals, alongside more than 60 articles in conference proceedings.
Daphne Pantousa
OCEANIDS user-driven tools & applications development
Dr. Pantousa is an adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Thessaly. She joined Resilience Guard team as Resilience Engineer.
She holds a Diploma in Civil Engineering , an MSc in Civil Engineering, and an MSc in Mechanical Engineering . She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Thessaly by defending a thesis on post-earthquake fire performance of steel moment resisting frames.
After her PhD, she worked as an Adjunct Lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering of University of Thessaly for two years. In 2017 she joined the University of Southampton to work on her Marie-Curie Fellowship (Resilient steel structures under fire and seismic actions). As part of her Marie-Curie Contract at the University of Southampton, Dafni served as Lecturer and Laboratory instructor on topics related to Structural Engineering. In 2019 she joined the Steel Structures Research and Design Group at the University of Patras to work on fracture of steel at elevated temperatures and on an externally funded project on post-fire seismic performance of steel structures.
Her research expertise is related to the response of structures to extreme loads; focusing on the areas of structural fire engineering and structural earthquake engineering. Her research vision focuses on integrating structural modelling, computational methods, and experimental findings into a strategic framework for the performance evaluation and design of structures chasing the urgent needs of modern societies for resilience and sustainability.
Eirini Marinou
Eirini is an MSc Geophysicist with Earth and Planetary Sciences expertise. She holds a BSc in Geology and Geo-environment from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and an MSc in Earth Structure and Dynamics from Utrecht University, specializing in the Physics of Deep Earth and Planets. Her passion for space and technology has driven her work as the Project Manager and Head of EU tenders at Geosystems Hellas since 2022, where she oversees projects in Horizon 2020/2022, RISE, and National programs.
We will continue with the Networking Fridays during the next months. More information about future sessions as well as presentations and videos from previous sessions can be found here.
Expect some very exciting afternoons, or mornings or evenings, depending on where you are…
If you need any additional information please send an email to Catarina Paes Duarte.